Meditation 1

You Can Count on Your Breath

This meditation is an introductory exercise, appropriate for all experience levels, it compliments Module 1 of the “Unlocking Potential” program but of course, can be practiced alone.


Meditation 2

You B.E.T.

This meditation encourages us to explore three key touch points for our mindfulness practice - our Body (B), our Emotions (E) and our Thoughts (T). It compliments Module 2 of the “Unlocking Potential” Program.


This meditation allows us to explore some of the key mindsets or attitudes we work with in mindfulness. These mindsets can be useful guideposts to support us as we embark on our own mindfulness journey. It compliments Module 3 of the “Unlocking Potential” Program.

Meditation 3

Bringing the Mindsets to Life


This meditation will help us to explore the possibility of cultivating a sense of friendliness with ourselves and then extending this to the world around us. This meditation compliments Module 4 of the “Unlocking Potential” Program.

Meditation 4

Coming Home


Mindfulness and meditation can support us to begin to listen to the whisper of our hearts by considering the following questions: Deep down, what is important to you? What sort of person do you want to be? How do you want to feel most of the time? This meditation compliments Module 5 of the “Unlocking Potential” Program.

Meditation 5

Uncovering Our Truth


This meditation invites us to sit without one specific “anchor” for our attention and to simply observe our life as it unfolds moment by moment by moment. This meditation compliments Module 5 of the “Unlocking Potential” Program.

Meditation 6

Open Awareness


This meditation has no verbal guidance, simply bells at intervals to remind us to come back to the present moment, again and again and again!

Meditation 7

Silence with Bells


Reading List

You are Loved by Liv Downing - picture book for families and classrooms about the unconditional nature of true love and how we can access it through meditation.
Purchase here.

10% Happier - Dan Harris - a ‘straight down the line’ approach to mindfulness and meditation

Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Kabat-Zinn - presenting the foundations of the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) loaded with science and practical tips

The Power of Now - Ekhart Tolle - about the authors’ spiritual journey and his core teachings on present moment awareness

Into the Magic Shop - Dr James Doty - presenting an integrated approach to meditation with an emphasis on opening the heart and the compassion practices

Where Ever You Go, There You Are - Jon Kabat-Zinn - short chapters exploring the practical application of mindfulness and meditation into everyday life

Lost Connections - Johan Hari - the detailed science behind how a lack of connection in our society can contribute to increasing rates of anxiety and depression


Why Mindfulness is Your Superpower - Dan Harris -

Meditation 101 - A Beginners’ Guide - Dan Harris -

How Mindfulness Empowers Us - Sharon Salzberg -

Introduction to Mindfulness - Smiling Mind -

All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes - Andy Puddicombe -


You are Loved with Liv Downing (me!) - discussions on connection & belonging - Apple Podcasts or Spotify

Tara Brach’s talks and meditations -

On Being with Krista Tippett -

APPS to download

Smiling Mind - go to for more information

Headspace - go to for more information

Insight Timer - go to for more information