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You are Loved is a beautiful and reassuring celebration of unconditional love. Cut outs on each page create a beautiful heart to make this book a very special object to treasure and share.

You are loved when you win the race.
You are loved when you don't.
You are loved when you brush your teeth.
You are loved when you won't.

You are loved all the days and nights,
in sunshine and in rain.
And if you forget, put your hand on your heart
and feel the love again.

Illustrated by the talented Mel Mathews and published by Allen & Unwin, this beautiful and timely book affirms and reassures children that they are loved, no matter what. Complete with a nourishing meditation for families and educators to share with their little ones and take practical skills into their daily lives.

Publication date is October 5th, 2022. Available now.

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The story behind how YOU ARE LOVED came into the world.

Please click on the link below and follow along as Liv guides you on the beautiful meditation from her book! You are welcome to download the audio file for future use.



‘This is a brilliantly constructed colourful book with such a simple, powerful message about unconditional love. Well done Liv Downing and illustrator Mel Matters - great for families and ECECs...”

Maggie Dent, Parenting Expert and Educator

"Liv's deep wisdom and huge heart has birthed a must have book for all parents. With the important message and lively, illustrations, may this book touch the hearts of many children around the world who need to know they are loved." 

Dr Elise Bialylew, Founder of Mindful in May and author of The Happiness Plan

“This book is so heartwarming. It impressed me as being like a mantra meditation with the mantra being 'you are loved'. What a beautiful thing for children to learn and remember especially when life is not going so easily. The message in this book is a great lesson for children and adults to learn and hopefully parents and teachers everywhere will share this book with their children and students”

Professor Craig Hassed MBBS, FRACGP, OAM, Monash University Medical Faculty and author of Mindful Learning, Mindfulness for Life and The Essence of

“Mindfulness is about remembering what really matters.  Captivating illustrations and words in ‘You are Loved’ will open minds and touch young hearts to remember that love always matters … and the possibilities to connect to it are boundless”

Janet Etty-Leal, Mindfulness Educator, author of ‘A Head-Heart Start for Life:  Creative Mindful Discoveries for Young Children’

"You Are Loved is a beautiful little book to remind children (and parents) that we are all valuable human beings, even when we're not at our best. It's the perfect book for these times."

Kate James, author of Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life