At the end of the day, we really only have ourselves and each other.

It’s the people in our lives, at home and at work, who most significantly impact our wellbeing and our performance. Scientific research points clearly to this fact; the best thing we can do for our mental and physical health is to connect more authentically with others, and, more deeply with ourselves.



Liv’s debut children’s book, illustrated by the talented Mel Mathews and published by Allen and Unwin, is a beautiful celebration of the unconditional nature of love. Infused within its simple words is both Liv’s professional training as a psychologist and meditation teacher as well as her experience as a deeply feeling human, daughter and loving parent.

Available for pre-order now on the Products page.


Key Notes & Workshops for workplaces & Schools
Meditation classes
1:1 Work


To compliment her children’s book, Liv offers a podcast where, through insightful, educational and entertaining discussion she discovers other paths to love and belonging and seeks to answer the age old question ‘How can we find love?”. You can listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Mind You
Smiling Mind
The Kindness Project
Village Cinemas


Keep up to date with Liv’s Blog


We live in a world full of gadgets and “likes”, all battling for our attention.
As Brene Brown puts it: “We are in a spiritual crisis of disconnection”

This disconnection from ourselves and each other, is affecting everything from our mental and physical health, to our performance at work and the way we love and parent. We need to take back ownership of our minds and hearts so we can navigate the modern world with more skill and start taking care of ourselves, each other and the planet.

Mindfulness is an incredibly powerful tool to cultivate this connection and it continues to nourish me across every essence of my being.


I fell in love with mindfulness when I saw what it was doing for my clients in the therapy room. Working as a psychologist, I included mindfulness in my tool kit and it was, by far, the tool that provided the most relief.

Working with this evidence, I thought I might invite some of the techniques into my own life, to help me better navigate my own tendencies anxiety.

Mindfulness has completely changed my life.

It has changed the way I parent, it has nourished my marriage but most importantly, it has offered me the opportunity to get to know myself and, dare I say it, even like myself. My tendency towards anxiety is still there, I just relate to it differently now. It doesn’t own or define me anymore.

At its core, mindfulness is about simply waking up to what is actually happening, rather than getting caught up in the stories about what we think is happening.

Mindfulness can provide us with a road map to find our way back to ourselves and our own hearts. And when we are in touch with our own hearts, it is much easier to connect more authentically with others.

This radical act of slowing down, of listening to our hearts and to each other, will allow us to speak, act and work consciously for the benefit of the human race and the whole planet.

Welcome to Mindfulness and welcome to Liv Mindfully.